Given a chance,(well its my own blog, yippieeee!!!!!!!!), id like to classify humans into two catagories based on their instincts-
- the pushers or shovers
- the royal losts ( i admittedly belong to this catagory)
how do they seem to know everything?
why are they always in a hurry?
why do they like to complete their work before its taught?
why do i have to keep good relations with people only because they have power? etc etc......
so the pushers and shovers , what i believe is , have the genes of the era wherein the population was too high and there was survival of the fittest....remember Will Smith in The Persuit of Happiness?? a shover...
The shovers will never sit till they reach the top, they want to be the first ones, to be admired and if by chance heavens forbids there are two of them in one same project, god save the rest! They ,with my sincere apologies, are jealous of any other persons success... They are wild...
But the thing is the lazy bums never seem to work hard towards surviving, because the failure doesnt deter them as their too much doting parents have killed the survival instinct inside them... isnt it dangerous too??
Maybe the shovers succeed in life far more frequently.... but they seem to have lost to admire the moral grounds on which our constitution is laid....
imagine each of the hundreds of millions of pushers in our we really need a mass stampede??
who will take care of all the dead bodies then?
perhaps it will make our community more on the wild animals side who dont even come to know that they should breed fast because they are endangered because all they want is to kill others..
The lazy royals who have a good heart will perhaps balance the rest and make our planet humane, and if they by chance develop the green face of jealousy, theyre even worse... in that case id like to sleep till i whither away.
Whenever we work, whenever you stay with people, dont even secretly be jealous of someone....instead compliment them and get up you lazy coutch potato,Stop dreaming forever and buckle up!!!!And for our lovely pushers... please push some lazies along with you too!!....
See you all at the top :)