Friday, April 9, 2010


Theres no doubt in the fact that language is a highly specialized skill of humans ... in a way its a complicated form of signals other animals use..... wateva, due to the formation of global village all the different kinda lingos which once developed in geographically different regions, is being converted into a cool universal one...........
but the origin and propagation of these have lead to widespread bewilderness amongst the poor unsocial people tch tch...............
When i joined college and till now .... there are many slangs ive learnt.... dont know how many more to go but whats itching me is that why not we make a few and try to propagate them maybe someday it hits the gen X.... the things which inspire -
ols... ....just while writing these i wonder what would princess mia's( fame princess diaries), grandma would feel about it... whoops sorry granny.....
and imagine jst like muaah, we make our written conversation with sound effects....
" Respected boss,
fyi achooooooooooo ...... sorry for that.... sniff snifff....... i m having a bad phrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr( this can b the sound of blowing your nose) cold..... sniiiiiieeef.... allow me leave till i get fine achoooooo.... uhu hu hu,brb
yours snifff sincerely,
thanks phrrrrrrrr"
that would make your boss understand the gravity of situation and if god forbids hes like mine and doesnt reacts to this kinda application... smear the application with your sputum that should do the trick........


  1. Hmm! Quite interesting u said..very much worth the wait didi =D
    however I am confused about one thing..u mention universal language...isn't that english? Or is it maths (if that is a language)?
    Many ppl adapt to speaking English nowadays n is considered an essential skill to speak it...however ur right..when we invent our own terms such as 'brb' And 'lol', it sorta abuses the language...
    Excellent topic Youve picked to talk about :)

  2. hey u know me confused about it... english may be universal but people like french and the chinese still refuse to use it... i was wondering if they use these slangs... how can we know?

  3. :) ur welcome !!
    I think u have to think about this differently..the Chinese culture is VERY back thousands of for
    them it's more a question of 'shall I forget the language of my thousand yr old ancestors and adopt this fairly new English one?'
    obviously slang ppl still use..because it's easier to communicate thst way :)
    hmm that's jst what I think..
    What are ur thoughts on this? Is the use of this slang good or bad?

  4. its cool as long as we dont overdo it... just like everything....;)

  5. thats why they teach us the real language in school!!!!!

  6. Haha
    which I might a pest to learn :P
    good old shakespeare..why thou dost worry about this? It really confuses u sometimes!
    So ur saying that English is a universal language...?

  7. hey tat was really nice... from now ill be waiting for ur next blog ... and i believe that our language(English) may go in for a change ...mite take some time but it change is the only thing tats constant ....infact i read a article , where it mentioned tat in u.s.a there has been and initiative to add some slang's tat can be accepted while writing in schools ....i think it will be common in the next 30 years..:)......alien

  8. i dont say we need to change the language.... Personally i dont even enjoy the Americanisation of english... i like British english better.... and besides schools should have more discipline so that our language is preserved in original form.....
    do i know you alien?

  9. Leena didi! Nxt blog post pleaseeee :)
    waiting eagerly for it hehe
