Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Randomness I

i love to travel alone by bus when i am going home.... It takes eight hours for me to reach my hometown from the place i work, considering ive visited my home twice this week!!!( good lord, we dont have delux buses till chandigarh!!!)... i was wondering off many things, are there more people like me??
god can answer this but one things for sure its all worth it when i get hugs and grins and treats and gifts , the food is stuffed inside you that you can survive a decade , perhaps more without it( no wonder people used to call me golu back in college)...
lets see what kind of thoughts are there when we are all by ourself... immobilised for hours:

1. Its been like five years i am travelling in buses, the railways are not well developed in the part of our country, countless times all ive concentrated is on how not to pee in my pants!!!!! " please drive fast you moron!!, distract distract, songs, podcasts... finally all i do is pray and promise god that ill be careful next time"... till date my record is phew almost clean :)

2. I think of the ways to irritate my brother( whos trying to get into a law college ) , with the gifts for the people of ages 0 to 5!!! till now i proudly declare ive given him a fake egg, a pink soft toy, a water tank, a horse which moves in circles, a pen which gives you a mild shock amongst others....

3. I think of all the worries and decide that i am indeed strong enough to handle them


  1. It's cute,wise and funny at the same time...your blog is just like you!!

  2. thanks :)... you are the best!!!!!!

  3. Haha so agree with Manu didi :)
    just like u Leena didi!
    Just out of u think about these things all the times u have caught buses??

  4. you know dibu.... Its funny because of frequency of these events... let us say that i think about this for 60% of times i travel.... You just forget to realise how important that is haha :P

  5. hahhaa! really? i also was on a bus ride to chandigarh from first ever solo ride hehe
    i thought about a LOT of things..i was not as tired physically, as i was from thinking about all those things! but i think some self-contemplating time is needed, and these bus rides are the best opportunities :) least i think so hehe
